Connection data
Programming notes
Observed residual phase noise
LMDS Synthesizer Block Diagram
MC12022 MECL prescaler data sheet
Qualcomm Q3236 PLL data sheet (8/1997) (alternate copy here is shorter but more legible)
Qualcomm Synthesizer Products (4/2000, with some rendering problems)
Phase noise 26 GHz
Pictures and Brief Description
Revised Detailed Block Diagram
SNP2627 Block Diagram
SNP 520-series Data (another MicroSource YIG synthesizer with superior PN and tuning range)
Wiring Reference for 25 pin D connector
PIN REF Q3236 function(s)
1 d3 A3, SMODE
2 d1 A1
3 d8 M4, DBUS4, SEN\
4 d6 M2, DBUS2
5 d4 M0, DBUS0
8 +5 VDC, 700 mA
9 +15 VDC, 300 mA
10 -15 VDC, 45 mA
11 NC
12 NC
13 NC
14 d2 A2, M2 WR
15 d0 A0, FSELP
16 d7 M3, DBUS3
17 d5 M1, DBUS1
18 grnd
19 grnd
20 grnd
21 grnd
22 grnd
23 grnd
24 NC
25 NC
N = Fmix / Fpfd
where Fpfd is always 5 MHz (i.e., 960 MHz / 192) and Fmix is the desired YTO frequency Fyto minus 12480 MHz (960*13).
Then, calculate M and A:
M = int(N/10) - 1
A = N - 10(M+1)
where the lower 5 bits of M are applied to these pins:
M0: 5
M1: 17
M2: 4
M3: 16
M4: 3
and A is a 4-bit value applied to these pins:
A0: 15
A1: 2
A2: 14
A3: 1